Today I was able to add an RSS feed to my blog (see feed icon on right). For the uninitiated, an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, as the name suggests, is a format used to syndicate content on the web. If you subscribe to an RSS feed using an RSS reader (such as Bloglines, Google Reader, or Rojo), you can, in one sitting, view new posts on my blog, or view content from all the blogs, websites, discussion lists you currently subscribe to. This is very useful if you, like me ,want/need to keep up to date with all the news in the library world.
RSS feeds are very popular, and is an example of one of the many web 2.0 tools available free of charge. Many libraries are using these feeds to syndicate content such as TOC, news alerts, new acquisitions, programs and events to their users. If you want to learn more about RSS feeds and how it can be used to improve services in libraries here is a link to a presentation by Meredith Farkas and Paul Pivas titled Free your content! RSS for Librarians. Look at it and I can guarantee that you would want to start creating RSS feeds right away!
If you want help in finding feeds such as news, blogs and podcasts Feedster is the search tool to help you. You can also visit my blogline account to view what feeds I subscribe to.
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