Conference Theme : From Search to Discovery: Reimagining the Library and Information Landscape
Date: October 4- 6, 2012
Venue: The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston Jamaica - Mona Visitors' Lodge & Conference Center
The theme asks participants to envision how the changing information environment is impacting the role and functions of libraries, librarians, as well as library and information science education and research and information users. Further, persons are asked to relate this change to the current situation in the Caribbean.
We invite persons to contribute research-based paper and poster proposals; best practices; and critical essays on aspects of the conference theme including but not limited to the following:
1. Repositioning of LIS Education for enhanced competencies and capabilities
- Interdisciplinary and collaborative initiatives
- Curriculum redesign
- Online Web-based teaching
- Research directions
2. LIS Research Landscape: Crossing Disciplinary Lines
3. Envisioning Caribbean Libraries for Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
4. Reimagining the Role of the Librarian and the User
5. Creating and Evaluating Competitive Information Products and Services
6. The “I factor”
- Role of Libraries in Information Management
- Cloud computing and libraries
- Visual data
- Libraries and knowledge management
7. Reinventing our brand in the post- modern environment
- Institutional [school, academic, corporate libraries]
- Personal
- Professional
- Synergy with Archives and Museums
Deadline for paper/poster proposal submissions (maximum 1,000 words): July 31, 2012
Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2012
For more details
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