
Friday, September 24, 2010

Free cataloging webinar by Deborah Fritz - MARC 21 in your library

Kudos to my colleague and friend Deborah Fritz for offering a free webinar to the cataloging community during tough economic times. Deborah recently rolled-out MARC 21 in Your Library -Part 1- MARC and Bibliographic Information: the Underlying Fundamentals as an online FREE series of nine webcasts or web-based, self-paced, mini-courses, available anytime on the TMQ website at:

Part One Sessions

1.1 Bibliographic information—What is it? (Self-paced, approx. 25 min.)

1.2 Bibliographic information—Why Do We Need It? (Self-paced, approx. 20 min.)

1.3 Bibliographic information—How Do We Know What To Provide? (Webcast, approx. 30 min.)

1.4 Bibliographic information and MARC (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)

1.5 MARC Records—What Are They? (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)

1.6 MARC Records—Why Do We Need Them? (Webcast, approx. 15 min.)

1.7 MARC Records—Where Do We Get Them? (Self-paced, approx. 30 min)

1.8 MARC Records, Bibliographic Information, and Library Catalogs (Self-paced, approx. 65 min.)

1.9 MARC and Bibliographic Information—How do I speak it? (Webcast, approx. 35 min.)

Trainees are advised to work their way through Part One at their own pace, and then register online for the live online Part Two sessions which is offered at a subscription price ($135). Attendees can register for the Part two session on the OCLC website.
Click here to register for the Part Two modules


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report - ACRL publication

The ACRL publication Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report is a review of the quantitative and qualitative literature, methodologies and best practices currently in place for demonstrating the value of academic libraries, developed for ACRL by Megan Oakleaf of the iSchool at Syracuse University.

The primary objective of this comprehensive review is to provide academic librarians with a clearer understanding of what research about the performance of academic libraries already exists, where gaps in this research occur, and to identify the most promising best practices and measures correlated to performance.

Report in PDF

Executive Summary

Author's podcast

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bloglines to officially close service October 1 2010

Bloglines, one of the earliest web-based RSS readers, and one which I have used religiously over the years, is scheduled to officially close on October 1 2010. According to a report on the Read Write Web "while it was one of the early success stories of the RSS movement, the service never managed to get its groove back after the launch of Google Reader and a number of technical issues that made Bloglines very unreliable for a while".

Users who store and manage web content on Bloglines will now have to think about migrating to other rival services such as Google Reader. On the Bloglines website there are simple instructions currently posted on how to export current subscriptions. This comes as a surprise to the many loyal users who have consistently used and relied on the service for years.