Kudos to my colleague and friend Deborah Fritz for offering a free webinar to the cataloging community during tough economic times. Deborah recently rolled-out MARC 21 in Your Library -Part 1- MARC and Bibliographic Information: the Underlying Fundamentals as an online FREE series of nine webcasts or web-based, self-paced, mini-courses, available anytime on the TMQ website at:
Part One Sessions
1.1 Bibliographic information—What is it? (Self-paced, approx. 25 min.)
1.2 Bibliographic information—Why Do We Need It? (Self-paced, approx. 20 min.)
1.3 Bibliographic information—How Do We Know What To Provide? (Webcast, approx. 30 min.)
1.4 Bibliographic information and MARC (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)
1.5 MARC Records—What Are They? (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)
1.6 MARC Records—Why Do We Need Them? (Webcast, approx. 15 min.)
1.7 MARC Records—Where Do We Get Them? (Self-paced, approx. 30 min)
1.8 MARC Records, Bibliographic Information, and Library Catalogs (Self-paced, approx. 65 min.)
1.9 MARC and Bibliographic Information—How do I speak it? (Webcast, approx. 35 min.)
Trainees are advised to work their way through Part One at their own pace, and then register online for the live online Part Two sessions which is offered at a subscription price ($135). Attendees can register for the Part two session on the OCLC website.
Click here to register for the Part Two modules
Read more at http://www.marcofquality.com/
1.1 Bibliographic information—What is it? (Self-paced, approx. 25 min.)
1.2 Bibliographic information—Why Do We Need It? (Self-paced, approx. 20 min.)
1.3 Bibliographic information—How Do We Know What To Provide? (Webcast, approx. 30 min.)
1.4 Bibliographic information and MARC (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)
1.5 MARC Records—What Are They? (Webcast, approx. 20 min.)
1.6 MARC Records—Why Do We Need Them? (Webcast, approx. 15 min.)
1.7 MARC Records—Where Do We Get Them? (Self-paced, approx. 30 min)
1.8 MARC Records, Bibliographic Information, and Library Catalogs (Self-paced, approx. 65 min.)
1.9 MARC and Bibliographic Information—How do I speak it? (Webcast, approx. 35 min.)
Trainees are advised to work their way through Part One at their own pace, and then register online for the live online Part Two sessions which is offered at a subscription price ($135). Attendees can register for the Part two session on the OCLC website.
Click here to register for the Part Two modules
Read more at http://www.marcofquality.com/