My thoughts and prayers are with Haitians today as they are grappling with what can best be described as a natural disaster of epic proportions. A 7.0 earthquake yesterday (January 12) may have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. I have been viewing graphic images on the Internet, TV broadcasts and social networks.
Please lend support in anyway that you can through local or international charitable organizations. Here is a list of a few organizations:
The American Red Cross is pledging an initial $200,000 to assist communities impacted by this earthquake. They expect to provide immediate needs for food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support. They are accepting donations through their International Response Fund.
UNICEF has issued a statement that "Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them." UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
Donate through Wyclef Jean's foundation, Yele Haiti. Text "Yele" to 501501 and $5 will be charged to your phone bill and given to relief projects through the organization.
Good day, sun shines!
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