Have you read the news lately? Here is one bit of interesting news to librarians: in August 2007 14 million people interacted with Facebook applications. So I guess we can now add Facebook to the list of online competitors for library users time along with Google, MySpace, Second Life and other addictive web 2.0-like applications. I recently jumped on the Facebook bandwagon and created a Facebook account so that I could liaise with colleagues, family and friends. Many libraries and librarians are hopping on the same bandwagon and creating Facebook profiles. Read about one academic library experience with Facebook and also 12 ways to use Facebook professionally.
Social bookmarking concept of shared online bookmarks dates back to April 1996 with the launch of it list, the features of which included public and private bookmarks. Within the next three years, online bookmark services became competitive, with venture backed companies such as back flip, Blink, Clip2, click marks, hot links, and others entering the market. They provided folders for organizing bookmarks, and some services automatically sorted bookmarks into folders. Blink included browser buttons for saving bookmarks. back flip enabled users to email their bookmarks to others and displayed back flip this page buttons on partner websites. Lacking viable models for making money, this early generation of social bookmarking companies failed as the dot com bubble burst back flip closed citing economic woes at the start of the 21st century.
Social Bookmarking
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